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What is Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is one of the most known tools for automated testing. Testing engineers are becoming keener on using it for its multiple features and low-code approach. Katalon is used for testing Web interfaces, Windows desktop, mobile apps (on both IOS and Android), and APIs. It also provides recording options and analysis reports. Our automation experts at Q-Pros regard Katalon as a must-have to implement automated tests and integrate them within other testing channels and teams. In this article, we will give an overview of Katalon, its features, and integrated software. What is Katalon Studio? Katalon Studio is an automation testing software designed to build and reprocess automated tests for UI without code dependency. It was initially released in 2015 with a Selenium framework. Katalon Studio is an all-in-one platform for web, mobile, desktop, and API automated testing. Katalon is a low-code platform with integrated options to speed up SDLS processes. Is Katalon Studio open source? Katalon is not an open-source framework, but it is free and can be used to provide automated solutions for front-end web and mobile applications Katalon Studio Features Here is a list of some important Katalon Studio features: Web Testing – Katalon grants its users complete web testing solutions with inbuilt continuous delivery and continuous integration that is fully aligned with DevOps integrations. It offers an object spy utility to capture objects and examine their properties in detail. Native Katalon plugins integrate with bug tracking/project management tools like JIRA, Git, and Jenkins. API Testing – Unlike the market leader Selenium, Katalon allows you to test API without any additional integrations. With Katalon, testers can automate scripts, perform code inspection, and code snipping and debugging. Katalon guarantees a bigger coverage of test data by supporting all kinds of requests and cloud-sourced data like XLS, XML, and REST, SOPA 1.1/1.2 requests. Mobile Testing – Katalon offers a mobile testing experience that involves mobile Web, IOS, and Android apps, as well as hybrid apps. Tests can be performed locally or remotely with actual devices or simulators. The module also allows testing engineers to detect and store data providing a well-structured process that is easy to track back to on long-term projects. Desktop Testing – Katalon supports apps written on the following platforms: Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Windows Forms (WinForms), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Classic Windows (Win32). Katalon's features for desktops are Spy Windows Objects and Record Windows Action. Katalon TestOps – TestOps is a web-based application that integrates both tests and DevOps frameworks. It offers test planning features, test execution, and project management. It also integrates with CI/CD tools and other testing platforms. TestOps gives a full 360 scan of all testing activities, creating test reports and monitoring for testing quality. Katalon TestOps takes screenshots, videos, and test results and displays them as KPIs on its dashboard. Katalium – Kataluim feature is an open-source framework that offers a blueprint for test automation projects based on TestNG and Selenium. It streamlines building test cases and improves the user experience on Selenium Grid. Katalon Studio Integrations Katalon offers native integrations that makes it easier to work with common QA related tools. Here is a list of Katalon integrations: CI/CD: Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitHub, Gitlab, Circle CI, CodeMagic, etc. ALM: Azure DevOps, Jira, Xray, qTest, TestRail, etc. Cross Browser Testing: BrowserStack, SauceLabs, Selenium Grid, etc. Testing platforms: Selenium, Selenium IDE, Postman, etc. Source code management: Atlassian Bitbucket, AWSCodeCommit, GitHub, etc. Learn more about Katalon integration Katalon vs Selenium Katalon Selenium Used for Used on Mobile, Desktop, Web Applications Web Applications Difficulty Easy to use with a dual interface More Difficult Browser options Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera Chrome, Safari, Firefox Keywords Includes Built in keywords, and offers costume made keywords No built-in keyword options Reporting Provides repots for recordings No reporting Speed and processing Fast Faster than Katalon In Conclusion Katalon is good for both small-scale projects and big projects. It is a perfect choice for both individuals and companies as it offers a constantly evolving ecosystem of useful tools. It also comes with a wide list of native integrations to facilitate implementing all kinds of needed tests, including API testing. Q-Pros relies on Katalon, and we make sure our testing engineers are Katalon experts. This guides our QA specialties to guarantee excellent and accurate results for our clients. ...

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Why is software testing necessary

The Software is the only item that significantly impacts a much larger audience in today's digital environment. As a result, software testing procedures are critical, and it assists programmers to resolve a variety of bugs. These defects can be anything from a misplaced semicolon to a vital company's necessity. As a result, software testing is a critical component of a test-driven development environment. Software testing guarantees that the Software is functional and meets the users' needs. Testers use manual and automated procedures to execute various tests. We'll learn more about software testing and how it helps company software run correctly in this blog. What is software testing? Software testing is a critical process that provides testers with an analysis to identify and evaluate the program. It checks whether the freshly generated app complies with the Business Requirement Specifications. The Software Testing Life Cycle is a well-known continuous procedure, and this procedure works in tandem with the software development life cycle. Here we will show you the top seven reasons why software testing is vital for businesses: 1. Cost-effective Many initiatives make up software testing. The cost-effectiveness of software testing services is one of the essential factors firms consider. Fixing an issue is cheaper if detected early in the development process. As a result, you must finish the testing as soon as feasible. So, every business owner hires a tester or quality analyst who has excellent experience and thorough knowledge of the projects to save them from a big loss of the end phase. 2. Safety and security One of the important reasons for software testing is security. And considering it could be the wisest decision of all. Software testing is a critical, delicate, and vulnerable part of the process. As a result, security is regarded as the most trustworthy basis for users to believe in the Software's quality. One factor that assures that the product is safe to use is security. 3. Product Consistency Before launching a product or application, every testing team must ensure that the device is compatible. When launching an app, it should be compatible with various devices and operating systems. The product's requirements ensure that some items securely come to life for your client's service. 4. Customer Satisfaction Consumer satisfaction is a term used to describe how satisfied a customer is with a product or service. The product owner's primary purpose is to provide the maximum customer satisfaction possible. Adopting a software testing process is critical since users have the best possible experience. If you choose the best project in a crowded market, you will build a reputation with trustworthy clients. 5. Improve the development process Adopting a testing strategy is essential since users receive the most outstanding experience possible. You will be able to build a reputation as a trustworthy client. With the help of testers, Quality Assurance can identify various scenarios and faults.It's effortless, and the developers need to fix it immediately. In addition, software testers and developers should work together to speed up the development process. 6. Determine the performance of the Software Software testing is regarded as a simple alternative because it aids in determining the Software's performance. If you release Software without first testing it, users will no longer want to use it and may even lose faith in the firm that sells it, and the company's reputation will eventually suffer as well. The Software must be given to the public once extensively tested and proven to work. Even after the product has been introduced, constant testing is required to maintain the product's reputation. If the Software performance suffers, everything is lost. As a result, testing is the most incredible alternative for determining program performance. 7. It's simple to add new features It's more challenging to update code that's been around for a long time and is interrelated. This propensity is countered with tests, allowing developers to add new features reliably. Changing older parts of your codebase as a new developer might be a scary prospect. You'll know whether you've broken anything critical if you use tests, in any case. These new features allow your program to stand out from the crowd and outperform the competitors. Software testing is a sophisticated process that verifies the product's flawless quality, and testing also improves usability, adds functionality, and lowers maintenance costs. Make sure to recruit a team that includes skilled software testers who can safeguard your product with the most up-to-date tools and procedures. ...

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