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Test Basic A Comprehensive Guide to Quality Assurance

In today's competitive marketplace, ensuring the quality of products, services, and processes is crucial for businesses to thrive. Quality assurance (QA) plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal by identifying and eliminating defects before they reach customers. One of the fundamental aspects of QA is testing, which involves evaluating a system or component against defined requirements and expectations. Test Basic: The Foundation of Quality Assurance Test basic is the cornerstone of effective quality assurance (QA). It encompasses a set of fundamental principles and practices that guide the process of testing software, products, or services to ensure they meet the desired quality standards. A strong foundation in test basic is essential for any QA professional or individual involved in testing activities. The Importance of Test Basic Test basic plays a crucial role in achieving several critical objectives: Defect Prevention: Early defect detection is paramount in preventing costly rework and potential product failures. Test basic promotes a proactive approach to identify and eliminate defects early in the development cycle, minimizing their impact on the project and ensuring product quality. Process Efficiency: Well-defined test basic practices streamline the testing process, reducing redundancies and minimizing the time spent on defect resolution. This efficiency translates into improved productivity and cost savings. Risk Mitigation: Effective testing mitigates risks associated with software defects and product failures. By identifying and addressing potential issues early on, businesses can protect their reputation, maintain customer satisfaction, and avoid costly liabilities. Quality Assurance: Test basic serves as the foundation for ensuring that products and services meet the desired quality standards. It provides a structured approach to evaluate and validate software functionality, performance, security, and usability. Key Elements of Test Basic Test Planning: Test planning involves defining the scope of testing, identifying test objectives, and establishing a testing schedule. It ensures that testing efforts are aligned with overall project goals and resource allocation. Test Design: Test design involves creating test cases, which are step-by-step procedures for evaluating specific functionalities or requirements. Test cases should be comprehensive, unambiguous, and repeatable to ensure thorough testing. Test Execution: Test execution involves running test cases and recording the results. It requires careful attention to detail, adherence to test procedures, and the ability to identify and document defects. Test Reporting: Test reporting involves summarizing test results, highlighting identified defects, and providing recommendations for corrective actions. It serves as a communication tool to inform stakeholders about the quality status of the system or component under test. Benefits of Test Basic Reduced Defects: Effective testing helps identify and eliminate defects early in the development cycle, preventing them from reaching customers and causing costly rework or reputational damage. Improved Quality: Proper testing ensures that products and services meet customer expectations and industry standards, enhancing overall quality and user satisfaction. Increased Efficiency: Test basic promotes efficient testing practices, reducing redundant testing efforts and minimizing the time spent on defect resolution. Enhanced Productivity: By preventing defects from reaching production, testing contributes to improved productivity and reduced downtime. Reduced Costs: Early defect detection through testing can significantly lower the cost of fixing defects compared to addressing them later in the development cycle. Test Basic in Practice Test basic is not a rigid set of rules but rather a collection of guiding principles that can be adapted to specific testing scenarios. The application of test basic varies depending on the type of testing, the complexity of the system under test, and the available resources. Quality Professionals: Your Trusted Partner in Quality Assurance At Quality Professionals, we understand the importance of test basic and its impact on achieving quality outcomes. Our experienced team of QA professionals provides a comprehensive range of testing services, from test planning and design to test execution and reporting. We utilize industry-standard best practices and tools to ensure that your products and services meet the highest quality standards. Partner with Quality Professionals today to experience the benefits of test basic and elevate your organization's quality assurance practices. Request a Service ...

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Developing and launching a defect-free and user-friendly products will always give you an advantage in the market and help you stay ahead of the game. Quality assurance frameworks must be your companion from drawing the idea to releasing it. Frameworks and mobile testing tools will give you the best aid in maintaining the quality of mobile applications and software systems.Content Quality Assurance Framework OverviewMobile App Testing ServicesQuality Testing ServicesRevolutionizing Quality Assurance with Cloud Computing Quality Professionals: Pioneering Software Quality AssuranceThe Future of QA: Test Automation 1.Quality Assurance Framework Overview A Quality Assurance framework is the guide organizations continuously refer to. It includes the methodologies, processes, and quality standards to be met throughout the software development lifecycle to achieve continuous quality. Implementing a QA framework in your company streamlines software development where errors and defects are reduced, and users’ expectations are met.The quality assurance framework is composed of several components, below are the key ones: Process GuidelinesQuality StandardsComprehensive DocumentationContinuous Improvement 2.Mobile App Testing Services 1.1. Types of Testing: Functional and Non-Functional Functional and non-functional testing are two of the various mobile testing types. Functional testing is concerned with examining whether an application’s features work as intended or not. On the other hand, non-functional testing works on testing applications’ performance, security, and user experience.1.2. Importance of Thorough Testing in Mobile App Development A question that may arise, why is it important to test mobile applications thoroughly? Thorough testing of an application will ensure that all its features are working as they should, and it is functioning efficiently on the different device types and operating systems. These actions minimize the occurrence of glitches and crashes.1.3. The Right Testing Approach Is there one right approach and another wrong? This is not the case when it comes to testing. Many factors such as the application’s complexity, target audience, and desired outcomes determine which testing approach will be followed. Each testing approach has features that distinguish it from the others and can be tailored to the project’s needs. 3.Quality Testing Services 1.1. Addressing Common Quality Challenges Quality Testing is what helps organizations overcome the challenges they face during software development. Testing helps with addressing challenges such as tight deadlines and ever-evolving user expectations by detecting issues early in the development cycle. 1.2. The Role of Automation in Quality Testing Automating quality testing accelerates the testing process in the organization. It also increases the testing coverage to reach different aspects and gives space for quick and immediate feedback. 4.Revolutionizing Quality Assurance with Cloud Computing Quality Assurance (QA) has been transformed in recent years by the use of cloud computing. Teams can now scale up or down as needed, without expensive overheads of physical hardware, with cloud-based testing environments. This will result in quicker testing cycles, higher agility, and a more cost-effective way to maintain high-quality software.1.1. The Advantages of Cloud QA Cloud QA eliminates the need for much physical hardware hence it is one of its most significant advantages. In addition to capital expenditure savings, this also allows valuable space and resources to be freed up. It is also easier for teams to collaborate using cloud-based testing environments irrespective of their geographical location. With cloud QA, any team member can access a similar testing environment regardless of their location at any time.Nevertheless, like any new technology, there are also important considerations to take into account. There are data security and privacy concerns that must be carefully considered when it comes to cloud QA. Businesses must protect their data and meet applicable regulations so as not to lose the trust of users. 5.Quality Professionals: Pioneering Software Quality Assurance There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to ensuring software quality. We tailor our QA consulting services at Quality Professionals so they can best meet the individual needs of each client. From aligning your quality strategy with business goals to implementing test automation and refining processes, we are specialists in creating world-class software products. 1.1. What Makes SQA Consultants Different from Traditional Approaches?Compared to traditional QA methodologies, our advisors have a new take on things and provide external viewpoints on matters. We update ourselves with current industry practices and insist on challenging old ways of doing things. By bringing fresh ideas and methods into your company, we enable positive change and stimulate expansion. 1.2. What You Can Expect from QA ConsultingQuality Professionals deals not only with identifying problems but also giving applicable solutions for real outcomes. Our participation results in enhanced performance teams, better processes, as well as excellent software products that satisfy both customers’ and stakeholders’ demand. 6.The Future of QA: Test Automation 1.1. Automation’s Evolution in QAAutomation is still changing, with smarter tests possible due to AI and machine learning. Predictive analytics and self-healing test scripts are also becoming more popular, allowing for reduced manual intervention. 1.2. Advantages and ChallengesAutomated testing has its benefits. First and foremost, automated testing is highly effective because of its capacity to accommodate a lot of tests at once without human errors. Furthermore, automated testing is very precise and consistent in its approaches for thorough investigation of your software. Nevertheless, automated testing also poses challenges just like any other technology. A crucial difficulty is the complexity involved in setting it up, as starting an automated testing can be an overwhelming task, especially with no prior knowledge of it, however, this is where our role as experts in this domain becomes invaluable, as we step in to streamline and simplify this process. Lastly, there is maintenance work that follows when you have the test automation all setup, which usually requires all ocating time and resources to ensure that your automated tests remain current. Conclusion In the software development’s dynamic landscape, quality assurance frameworks and mobile app testing services are indispensable for success. For businesses, everything from seamless functionality to excellent user experiences should matter most. On the path towards superior software quality are Quality Professionals in QA consulting. Request a Service ...

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7 Best Functional Testing Tools to Use in 2023

Functional testing is a way to verify that software applications are providing expected outputs as required by the end-user or business. Functional tests are concerned with evaluating and comparing software functions with business requirements and quality standards. We at Q-Pros rely on a heavy arsenal of testing tools and modern utilities that help our teams achieve guaranteed and accurate results. In this article, we will look at the most renowned functional testing tools and why you should be using them in 2023 to achieve higher status in the testing world. Overview Let us start by looking at the criteria of which we will be relying on to consider a functional testing tools in our top 7 list. Usability–It is important for testing providers to make sure that the testing tools used can be used by team members with multiple levels of experience, and by more than one section or department within diverse teams. Integrations – In order to maximize a testing tool’s potential, it needs to be able to integrate with a wide range of software and coding languages. A good testing tool will make use of common frameworks to facilitate the work. User Interface – The perfect testing tool to choose needs to be well designed with a smart, easy to use interface. And so, based on our assessment framework, here is a list of 7 functional testing tools to use in 2023: 1. Selenium Selenium is one of the best test automation tools available for QA engineers and developers. It offers its users several libraries and tools that allow for efficient browser testing. One of Selenium’s top benefits is that it allows users to design test cases based on functional specifications with ease by offering options to change and control HTML elements to their exact needs. Its latest version (Selenium 4) supports several programming languages, offering simple implementations with JavaScript, C#, Ruby, Python, and Java. It is also worth mentioning that Selenium is an open-source tool that is free to use! 2. SmartBear Ready API SmartBear ReadyAPI is a functional tool designed for API testing, and it goes well with Agile and DevOps methodologies. It offers functional testing, API Performance testing, and API web Virtualization. ReadyAPI also provides automation options at every building stage through CI/CD pipelines. It offers you the ability to build data-driven functional API tests. The tool also integrates with any testing environment that uses Smart Assertion features. ReadyAPI provides integration with platforms such as Jenkins, Docker, and Git. 3. TestRigor TestRigor stands out as an excellent functional testing tool as it allows its users to build automated tests in plain English from a human point of view. It also converts manual tests into AI-based automated tests. TestRigor analyzes all potential factors behind the scenes to use the most effective ones, which outcomes ultra-reliable tests for testing teams. TestRigor is a great tool to build and customize new tests, and it allows the testing team to focus on test building rather than maintenance. 4. TestComplete TestComplete is a GUI functional testing tool that provides adaptable testing solutions. It works with multiple languages such as JavaScript, Python, and VBScript. What makes TestComplete more efficient is that it allows you to record your test runs and go back to them after implantation and adjust them based on initial outcomes. The tool also provides you with the capability to map objects from the screen and display objects, therefore allowing you to monitor any object in addition to providing you with all possible Xpaths for that specific object. 5. SoapUI SoapUI is an open-source functional testing tool that supports requirements-based testing and API solutions. The tool is renowned for its flexible interface as it allows your team to easily navigate through it with basic technical experience. SoapUI offers an endpoint explorer feature that lets you select a certain desired method and save the REST endpoints of URL requests - (URL requests can be made in both JSON and XML formats) 6. Kobiton Specifically created for mobile app testing, Kobiton allows you to perform manual and automated functional testing, performance testing, and visual testing for Android and IOS devices. It also offers a parallel text execution option to combine tests from multiple devices operating systems and platforms. It gives you the ability to implement a full device lab involving local and cloud devices (both public and private clouds) Kobiton allows you to perform automated tests without any knowledge script-wise. It also offers the ability to convert manual tests into complex automated tests. 7. Testim Testim is an automated testing tool that provides AI-based test implementations. The platform relies on AI to verify and lock visual elements, increasing testing stability for UI functional testing. Testim visual editor allows you to record and edit tests to efficiently organize test cases, as well as giving you the ability to keep test steps in parameters, streamlining the testing process for all testing contributors. The tool also helps you to replace duplicated tests with shared objects. And there you have it, 7 of the best functional tools to use in QA in 2023. Q-Pros Q-Pros is a leading IT company and a testing services provider, and we rely on market-leading partners and vendors to guarantee accurate results for our clients in every domain and industry. Such vendors include Smart Bear, Microsoft, Oracle, Tricentis, and much more. Our teams make use of various tools and utilities that are chosen uniquely for each client depending on business requirements and project technical specifications. Request a unique testing service through our online testing form. ...

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User Acceptance Testing

If you happen to work in software QA or development, you might have certainly heard the term “User Acceptance Testing sessions” multiple times nearing the end of any project. This step in QA is one of the most essential practices to give confidence to operational teams and business owners and confirm product release. We believe that software testing can only be sealed through real-life usage tests. This activity is labeled in the software testing stages as User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Q-Pros have invested lots of effort into crafting an excellent methodology to conduct healthy UAT sessions and make sure that the software is more than ready to handle end-users. This article hopes to be a clear guide to UAT and how to perform an effective user acceptance session. To start, let us define UAT - What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)? User Acceptance Testing is the final seal of approval required before releasing an application out to the public. By definition – hence its name- UAT's objective is to get user acceptance by testing all aspects of the application, making sure it is fit for business demands. UAT sessions are done to measure the level of satisfaction a user has while using the application in real-time under real scenarios. It involves mimicking how an application might be used by future users/customers. User Acceptance Testing is the final stage of testing to make use of all the application's potential to confirm that it is ready to be released. How we perform UAT UAT sessions are conducted by a group of first-hand users, this group of users could consist of customers who are more likely to use the product or the client that this software is directed to (if the software is manufactured specifically for an organization). When conducting a UAT session, all parties involved document their feedback, preferably in the presence of the developing team and beta testers in charge of ensuring quality standards. The role of the QA teams in UAT sessions The QA team has major involvement in the User Acceptance Testing. The QA team must be ready to assist users on how to use the application and oversee taking notes, including on several issues that might not be visible to the users, meaning things that are of QA concern rather than simple functionality. The QA team will then take part in presenting the results to clients, and it is the clients' job to decide whether the results are in alliance with expectations. The key objectives of UAT To make certain the software is performing based on basic business requirements. To confirm Ease-of-use. We need to make sure that the system is usable by end-users. Make sure the application is aligned with legal measures. At the end of UAT, a report is drafted, this report includes valuable results. Then, meetings are arranged to determine whether the application is ready for release or not based on UAT deliverables. Agile and DevOps methods in UAT UAT sessions require an elevated level of cooperation between multiple levels of involvement, including end-users. To plan a solid UAT session, team management methodology plays a huge role. The DevOps approach emphasizes a steady relationship between both developers and operational managers. This coexistence is made feasible using the agile methodology of project management. Agile is heavily adopted in QA techniques in general as it has been proved to save time and maintain structure. As mentioned before, UAT sessions involve multiple parties, from developers, the QA team, and end-users. At the end of every UAT, feedback is collected and worked upon, and then when needed, other UAT sessions will be conducted. UAT (Alpha/Beta Testing) UAT is split into two classifications (Alpha & Beta) depending on the nature of the output being tested. Alpha testing involves testing the application in the development environment. Beta testing is carried out in the production phase when the application is ready for release. Summary User Acceptance is all-important for Quality Assurance. Understanding how your software works in a real-life environment before releasing it to one is an obvious step. Involving end-users will guarantee honesty and generate honest feedback. UAT is most beneficial when each step is documented and studied thoroughly. Based on the data generated, the developers, QA team, and clients can choose to make changes to enhance all aspects of the application based on the desired quality and business requirements. To learn more about quality assurance practices and frameworks, learn more about us and request one of our many testing services that are crafted based on requirements, business demands and standards. ...

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5 Ways AI is Solving Software Quality Challenges

Over the past recent years, software testing approaches became more complex to keep up with the constant advancements in software development practices and with the nature of digital services in general. As is the case in all industries, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) are shaping up new ways to speed up the production process and assure more accurate results. So is the case with software testing. AI solutions can not only scale up the level of productivity in all aspects but also solve issues that seemed inherent and unavoidable. In this article, we will discuss 5 ways in which Leveraging AI can solve software quality challenges, and how we at Q-Pros look to adapt such practices to further enhance our services in the world of QA. #1 Data Management Challenges Data gathering and documentation are at the core of any QA process. How well we manage our data decides the level of quality we seek to achieve. One problem testing engineers have struggled with over the years was data management. The amount of data being generated from the software development phase can be enormous. This amount of data can be so huge, that it can be impossible for human brains to fathom. This data includes: Values and parameters Environment data Build Data Data production and data coverage Giving this type of data a proper and accurate analysis can only be done by leveraging AI utilities. Relying on smart AI methods can secure better results in all software development phases, specially in the testing stages. It is likely that humans might fall to errors and get overworked while trying to comprehend enormous amounts of data. One crucial factor in assuring top quality is to collect data from end-users, and by doing so, it helps the dev team decide on what should be tested based on data gatherings and test configuration and combination. Test configuration can amount to millions of potential scenarios, and data-driven tests are essential to the testing process only running this data through smart analysis allows the testing teams to narrow down the number to prioritize the most valuable tests. #2 Challenges Regarding Time Organizations are constantly looking for ways to drive the Dev-Ops process even faster, and relying on smarter methods can further drive the cycle even faster and ensure better quality at the same time. While Agile methods can result in more organized and accurate outcomes, they can also take a heavy toll on the dev team. We must produce test configurations and test, and then the dev team must make the changes and wait for another testing cycle or sprint to ensure that no further changes are needed regarding the scenario at hand. Speeding this process and ensuring the same if not better quality of results can only be done via smarter AI solutions. By analyzing quality trends and assessing code-changing risks, developers can then plan for better more efficient sprints. #3 Keeping up with mobile and app advancements With the current state of exponential growth of mobile devices and mobile application services, it is getting more and more complicated for developers and testers to keep up. Most Mobile Operating Systems (OS) come with an SDK (Source Development tools) which are used to create native programming languages that are suited for each OS and each device. This accounts for many combinations which are still unstable as things are changing fast. Leveraging AI in the testing process can simplify things and assure the inclusion of all modern updates. #4 Integration Testing Within the Agile structure, QA has become a bottleneck or a speedbump. This is because while it is an essential step, there is little that can be done when it comes to constant updates and changes, we need to constantly test with each change! And while software development is shifting more to the front-end, testing on the front-end could be fragile. That is why we need to make the most of the AI to run more integration tests. #5 Continuous Monitoring Existing new possibilities lay ahead in the world of software development, and it is only fair to extend the same level of advancements to the world of testing services. In future years, we will begin to see automated functions running in the background always analyzing every level of code. The Use of AI can help establish the foundation for such continuous progress as it is difficult for human labor to keep track of every degree of development. Cognitive Automation As mentioned, one challenge facing software testing is our need for continuous testing. Doing so allows us to confirm expected behaviors and check for any changes or anomalies. This task is better done through AI, and we could allow automated tools to adjust and customize themselves to perform this process. QA engineers must harness the benefit of AI and make use of every viable way to automate the testing process, this allows for more time for creative thinking and planning for more tests and areas to serve the overall project. The need for human intervention in software testing will always remain, the key is to adapt and collaborate with automated means, and not to eliminate one on account of the other. For as long as the software is designed to be eventually used by humans, the need for human testers will only grow more as applications are getting bigger in scales of usability. AI Testing and Shifting Left In recent years, and with the emergence of such work models like agile and DevOps, testers started shifting left, which means testing is now becoming more present in the initial stages of development. The role of AI in shifting left is that it asserts cooperation values and by doing so allows the development teams to co-exist and align better with the testing team. One way to deliver better quality to the product is to involve the testing team in more stages, such as early planning and sprint execution. Q-Pros Q-Pros is a leading IT company that provides testing services at all levels, we at Q-Pros rely on manual and automated testing methods and tools to assure the best quality for our clients. We plan and strategies testing plans custom-made and crafted for our unique clients. The role of AI is eminent, we strive to lead the way in innovation and creative testing. Read more on how we plan to leverage AI in software testing. In Conclusion Software testing involves a set of unavoidable challenges. It comes down to either working hard or working smart; while we intend to do both, it is of extreme importance to remain on top of modern advancements. Establishing good foundations with AI and ML tools is a huge asset for software quality. Automation allows us to analyze data in real time. Through AI we gain more information from data builds, code changes, and test history, narrowing down thousands of possible configurations. By empowering the testing team through Automated tools, we receive better and quicker results. ...

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