An Introduction to Behavior Driven Development
While most development procedures are centered around implementation aspects in the traditional scope, channeling the focus towards behavioral components is a new trend that can help developers guarantee that the system is delivering as expected.
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) can explore ways to strengthen the collaboration between business stakeholders and technical resources, achieving better results for end-users.
Q-Pros have always relied on innovative methods to guarantee an all-around testing service for our clients. In this article, we will look to introduce Behavior Driven Development and get to know a bit more about the specifics surrounding this development approach.
What is Behavior Driven Development?
Behavior Driven Development, or BDD, is an Agile software development methodology that centers around the behavior of the code rather than its structure.
BDD involves designing and documenting the application based on what the user is expected to experience when interacting with the product.
BDD drives every involving stakeholder to a centralized standpoint, where everyone is fully aware and has a shared understanding of business requirements.
Why is Behavior Driven Development different than other approaches?
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a process of using examples to guide the development process. In TDD, the framework loops around the activity of writing a scenario, watch it fail, fix it, and write the code.
So, what is the difference between BDD and TDD?
While TDD clearly focuses on individual functions, BDD focuses on a similar process but for features that are extracted based on user needs.
BDD relies on writing examples via natural language rather than the language of code.
One Distinguishing factor that BDD has over other development approaches is that its foundation is set based on the user’s experience rather than having a rigid framework with no regard to the end-users’ experience.
Behavioral Driven Development allows for enhancements and updates as the work progresses rather than waiting for the project to end.
BDD opens an opportunity for a more collaborative work environment, where all SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) stakeholders are involved within the same scope at certain points.
What are the Benefits of Behavior Driven Development?
Here are some of the main rewards gained from relying on BDD:
BDD requires less complexity: BDD activities involve breaking down the features into smaller sections that can be managed easily by all concerned levels.
It improves teamwork and leverages communication: By documenting the user requirements in the initial stages it involves everyone from the beginning.
Centering around the consumers: By revolving around customer experience, it guarantees a happy user at the end. BDD keeps the customer’s needs and wants as the top criteria throughout the entire process.
How to Implement Behavior Driven Testing?
We can start by ensuring that all team members understand the BDD framework, then we must verify the roles of each member within the scheme i.e., Developers to develop the code, testers to test the code, and business owners to verify the requirements in collaboration with other concerned parties.
The next step would be establishing a proper testing approach or testing suite that is hand-crafted for the scope of work at hand. Keeping in mind that BDD requires natural language scenarios that align with features.
BDD consists of the following phrases and steps:
- Given – i.e., Describe the behavior
- When – i.e., Step definition
- And – i.e., Run and fail
- When – i.e., Writing fixed code
- Then – i.e., Run and pass
Finally, establish a method of verifying and reporting bugs. This includes insuring that the fix worked, and the problems were resolved.
In Conclusion
BDD is a wonderful way to involve all teams in the development and testing process. It facilitates the work while keeping everything clear for all members. BDD will help maintain quality and speed up the process while keeping space for further updates.
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