Regression Testing Tag

Regression Testing A Comprehensive Guide by Quality Professionals

Regression testing is an essential part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), and it plays a vital role in ensuring the quality of software products. It is the process of re-executing a subset of test cases that have already been executed to ensure that the software still works as expected after changes have been made. Why is regression testing important? Regression testing is important because it helps to prevent the introduction of new bugs into the software when changes are made. Changes can be made to fix bugs, add new features, or improve performance. However, any change to the code can potentially introduce new bugs. Regression testing helps to identify these new bugs early on, so that they can be fixed before the software is released to customers. When should regression testing be performed? Regression testing should be performed whenever changes are made to the software, including: Bug fixes New features Performance optimizations Configuration changes Database changes Third-party library updates Types of regression testing There are two main types of regression testing: Unit regression testing: This type of testing is performed on individual units of code, such as functions or classes. Integration regression testing: This type of testing is performed on multiple integrated units of code to ensure that they work together correctly. Regression testing techniques There are a number of different regression testing techniques that can be used, depending on the type of software and the changes that have been made. Some common regression testing techniques include: Re-executing existing test cases: This is the most basic regression testing technique, and it involves re-executing a subset of the test cases that have already been executed. The test cases that are selected for re-execution should be based on the areas of the software that are most likely to be affected by the changes. Risk-based regression testing: This technique involves prioritizing the regression testing effort based on the risk of regression. The risk of regression is determined by a number of factors, such as the complexity of the changes, the history of the code, and the impact of the changes on the overall system. Record and playback testing: This technique involves recording user interactions and then playing them back to verify that the software still works as expected. This technique is often used to test user interfaces and complex business processes. Regression testing tools There are a number of different regression testing tools available, both commercial and open source. Some popular regression testing tools include: Selenium Appium TestNG JUnit Tricentis Tosca Regression testing best practices Here are some best practices for regression testing: Create a regression testing plan: This plan should document the scope of the regression testing, the test cases to be executed, and the expected results. Automate the regression tests: Automated regression testing can help to save time and reduce the risk of human error. Use a regression testing tool: A regression testing tool can help to manage the regression testing process and track the results. Perform regression testing regularly: Regression testing should be performed regularly, especially after any changes are made to the software. How Quality Professionals can help you with regression testing Quality Professionals is a leading provider of software testing services, including regression testing. We have a team of experienced regression testers who can help you to: Identify the areas of your software that are most at risk of regression. Develop and execute regression test cases. Analyze the results of the regression testing and identify any new or existing bugs. Provide you with a comprehensive report on the findings of the regression testing. Quality Professionals can help you to improve the quality of your software and reduce the risk of releasing buggy products to your customers. Contact us today to learn more about our regression testing services. Conclusion Regression testing is an essential part of the SDLC, and it plays a vital role in ensuring the quality of software products. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your regression testing is effective and efficient. If you need help with regression testing, Quality Professionals can provide you with the expertise and resources you need to get the job done right.

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Regression Testing

To fully utilize software potential in today's market, you need a solid strategy to make it compatible with change. A satisfactory level of adaptability requires constant development on every level of an application structure. This activity will involve tweaking the internal code of the software to enhance its function, a task that will give birth to new bugs and defects, some of which may erupt in different sections than the ones required for the update. This is where Regression Testing is an absolute must for ensuring quality. In this article, we will look at different approaches to conducting Regression testing, and how we at Q-Pros have established a top-notch methodology to ensure our client's applications are fully adaptable to change. What is “Regression Testing”? Regression testing is a type of software testing conducted to verify that an application remains working with the desired level of quality after any code changes or updates/optimizations. It involves a full examination of the application's functionality in addition to making sure that the newly added features are working per demand and no other bugs are introduced due to updates. The Importance of Regression Testing: Enhancing your software application to be on top of new functional standards and adopt new security measures is essential. This regularly guarantees your software success in today’s technological environment. At any stage of development, modifications are bound to cause defects within the application in all sections. This testing technique will help developers identify and verify the impact caused by modification. Types of Regression Testing: Complete Regression Testing As modifications are implanted to a software's code, a complete Regression test is conducted to include all assets of an application to be tested completely from all aspects. This method relies heavily on automated testing techniques because it involves a time-consuming cycle, meaning that every time a change occurs to the code, we must test all other levels including the one being changed. Partial Regression Testing It is where we test the parts most likely to be affected by the change, but it could also involve testing parts that are emphasized by business demand and commonality. It is most efficient when the developing team has verified meta-data and valid information from earlier tests. It might not be the most effective, because it could overlook some areas within the software that might have not been detected properly, or when test scenarios are not being documented and archived by the testing team. Challenges of Regression Testing Regression Testing is essential for companies looking to keep track of constant updates. It could elevate an application's use and guarantee that the software is of the desired quality in all stages of re-development. Having a solid methodology to conduct this testing means knowing and adapting to the challenges one might face while testing. Here are some of the challenges: Regression Testing could be expensive: Testing regularly and constantly could be costly, especially when testing things that have already been tested many times during the pre-production stages. Complete Regression testing is time-consuming: Using complete Regression testing techniques could be exhausting for testers. Going back and implementing a full testing suite every time a modification occurs will be time-consuming for sure. As with most testing approaches, It comes with some setbacks and blockers. Our role at Q-Pros is to overcome those negative points and guarantee that we utilize all testing approaches needed for an application to meet quality standards and achieve client satisfaction. Our team of experts works rigorously using automated tools to overcome time consumption and assure accurate results. Q-pros is a leading Quality Assurance provider with affordable price rates. Learn more about Q-Pros and request a custom service through our online form Conclusion In short, Regression Testing is an indispensable ingredient in the process of Quality Assurance. Making sure that an application is not affected by changes to the internal structure due to modification purposes is necessary. There is more than one way to approach Regression Testing. We could either specify testing sections or include all aspects of an application. This Testing certainly comes with challenges and could be complex, but with good strategy and experience, an application could maintain top quality and avoid unexpected bugs or defects in all future updates. ...

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Business Analyst

Quality assurance projects consist of many roles and responsibilities. Some of these roles seem similar in scope as they would relate to the testing practice firsthand. One role though that is essential and requires less technical skills is that of a Business Analyst (BA). Q-Pros offers and relies on multiple jobs and various professions to guarantee accurate results and suitable outcomes for distinct software products, from QA Engineers in both manual and automation experiences to Business Analysts, Quality Directors, Data Scientists, and much more. This article will take a deeper look at the role of the Business Analyst and how they fit into the entire scheme of quality assurance. Let us start by defining BAs and what their prime objectives are. What is a Business Analyst? A business analyst is a person in charge of providing analytical data and various documents to facilitate the work of IT experts in alliance with business requirements and market research. BAs are responsible for interpreting business processes to operational figures. The role is distinctive in the initial stages, where defining the business requirements is necessary for IT and testing experts to start strategizing based on gathered comprehensive data. What are the roles and responsibilities of QA Business Analysts? (What Business Analysts do) Business analysts do not need to have a strong technical background. However, in QA domains, BAs need to understand how the system or product at hand functions and what are its key aspects of service ability as expected. The roles of business analysts vary to cover multiple phases but shine most in the initial phases of launching a project and agreeing on methodology and service. Here are some of BA responsibilities and daily tasks: Engage with project stakeholders to gather product information. And cooperate with all primary business members and team members. Provide professionally written documents and clear reports to all involved team members and business owners to facilitate the working progress. Identify fundamental issues and investigate areas of improvement based on market standards and enhancements. Conduct presentations to all involved members (SDLC/STLC contributors) to help implement QA plans and testing methods. Identifying budgets, deadlines, and primary requirements for testing plans. Validate end results from executed plans and confirm fulfillment of requirements Supervise the implantation process to keep every involved member on the same page. How to become a QA Business Analyst: Acquiring a degree in business-related majors can be a way to get yourself a job as a BA. But to specifically get a job in QA, you would need to work your way up through QA jobs. QA engineers usually become business analysts as they get more experienced with the entire QA process through the years. Having an IT background mixed with technical experience is a plus. This path usually leads to upper-level jobs in QA as it scans every area of work. So, with some years of experience and proven effort, anyone can be a business analyst in QA, whether they have a degree in business or not, as most companies favor experience over specific academic certifications. One way to start is to obtain a software testing certificate from a recognized institution. This will aid you significantly in getting a QA job and boost your career scores. Learn more about software QA certifications that help you get a job in the field. The BA’s Role in Testing Business analysts must always be at the top of their game to answer questions and provide counseling for team members at every production phase. Here is how BAs relate to some testing activities: User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – business analysts are required to be present during UAT sessions to verify that the system has fully met requirements through end-users’ usage. Regression Testing – BAs can select regression test cases that confirm successful outcomes based on expectations. UX Testing – BAs have the responsibility to look for ways to improve user experience and expand the testing process based on that factor. Functional Testing – Since business analysts have all the information and specifications regarding functionality, they must remain available for advice and supervision during functional tests. In Conclusion Business analysts are inseparable from QA projects. They have the major responsibility to certify the success of the project and keep clients and business owners aligned with the working progress. They are the face of the project, and they make sure that everything is clear for all involved parties. Having tech experience is a major factor in becoming a business analyst. Most companies value individuals who have both business-related university degrees and dense experience. BAs work with testers and developers to keep the work on track, clear out any misconceptions and answer questions regularly. As a leading and pioneering testing service provider, we at Q-Pros make sure to utilize only skilled Individual's in the QA field from all aspects and domains. Our BAs employ modern methods and ensure a healthy flow of analyzed data and comprehensive information through the entire scheme of quality assurance. Request a service through our online form and learn more about us. ...

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