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What Is the Difference Between Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing

Software testing and Quality control aim to provide users with secure applications, safe from any potential hacking scenario or accidental leaks. And to accomplish this, we rely on two security testing methods: Vulnerability scanning (VS) and Penetration testing (PT). While both have a similar role in creating a stronger, more secure system by preventing any breaches/crashes that may occur in the future and threaten software security, there are specific differences that we need to investigate between the two. The Q-Pros Software QA strategy sets out to consolidate the foundation of any system to produce a better swift and secure digital experience through various methods. This article will examine the major differences between Vulnerability scanning and Penetration testing. First, let us start by defining each...

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What is a QA Engineer

Quality assurance involves a barrage of roles and job opportunities, and one of the most common career choices in the field of QA must be that of a QA engineer. In this article, we will talk about quality engineers, definition, objective, and daily duties. According to forbes list of happiest jobs, Quality assurance related jobs top the charts in term of happiness and growth, so we at Q-Pros would like to introduce some of the roles and career paths one can take to be involved in QA and software testing. QA Engineers: Definition A QA Engineer is a professional expert who oversees tracking and fixing bugs before releasing the product. QA engineers collaborate with developers to produce ways to fix problems. Quality Engineers are strategists, they align with product managers to produce ways to better enhance the production phase and assure a defect-free system that is in line with business requirements. Quality control engineers work ahead of time to make sure that efficient requirements are set and are clear to every stakeholder, and they would assure certain complexities are resolved before wasting any effort. Once everything is set in the initial phases and planning, QA engineers would cooperate with team members and leaders, guaranteeing everyone is equipped with proper resources and training. Daily Duties of QA Engineers QA Engineers have the most exciting daily duties. They work on multiple levels and partner with many stakeholders and developers. Here is a list of the daily expected duties of QA Engineers: Designing Tests - To begin with, QA Engineers would design tests, underlining potential issues, and work in accordance with requirements to produce scenarios to test the product. QA engineers could also highlight the causes of defects. Test Execution - The next step would be to conduct the designed tests and document the results. One important aspect here is to deliver the results to the stakeholders. Analyzing Tests - Moving forward, a QA engineer would oversee analyzing test results, making sure to document everything so unexpected outcomes would not occur in the future. This part seals the deal to guarantee that problems are resolved completely. Improve testing - One important task done by QA Engineers is enhancing tests and producing new innovative ways to modify the QA process. QA Engineer Qualifications The minimum academic qualification to become a QA Engineer is a bachelor’s degree in software development, computer science or any IT/QA-related field. QA engineers can start right away with no required extensive prior experience, although it is preferred to have some experience in QA or IT in general. Here are some of the most common expected skills for QA Engineers: Creativity: QA engineers are expected to be creative to produce innovative ways to enhance products and adjust to modern requirements and up the standards for QA. Efficiency: What makes a great QA engineer is their ability to efficiently implement both manual and automated processes. They would write the best practices and avoid repeating errors. They also understand where different issues can happen in the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and act only the correct ones. Attention to details: Like most QA roles, A QA engineer falls no different when it comes to being accurate and detail oriented. Being a QA Engineer can get you a chance to climb up the company hierarchy. Testing Engineers are heavily involved with so many aspects and gain experience in many fields. To consider becoming a QA Engineer, you will have to first strengthen your knowledge in QA practices and gain extensive knowledge in programming languages. Though there is no coding taking place, one must be able to understand how systems work to be able to design and execute automated tests, scan codes for errors, and communicate with developers to ensure a swift flow of information. Q-Pros is a leading Software testing provider with more than a decade of experience in the field. We take pride in our arsenal of experienced professionals, from QA engineers, test analysts and much more. Request a testing service from our online request form and guarantee top quality for your website, mobile apps, and software. ...

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What is Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is one of the most known tools for automated testing. Testing engineers are becoming keener on using it for its multiple features and low-code approach. Katalon is used for testing Web interfaces, Windows desktop, mobile apps (on both IOS and Android), and APIs. It also provides recording options and analysis reports. Our automation experts at Q-Pros regard Katalon as a must-have to implement automated tests and integrate them within other testing channels and teams. In this article, we will give an overview of Katalon, its features, and integrated software. What is Katalon Studio? Katalon Studio is an automation testing software designed to build and reprocess automated tests for UI without code dependency. It was initially released in 2015 with a Selenium framework. Katalon Studio is an all-in-one platform for web, mobile, desktop, and API automated testing. Katalon is a low-code platform with integrated options to speed up SDLS processes. Is Katalon Studio open source? Katalon is not an open-source framework, but it is free and can be used to provide automated solutions for front-end web and mobile applications Katalon Studio Features Here is a list of some important Katalon Studio features: Web Testing – Katalon grants its users complete web testing solutions with inbuilt continuous delivery and continuous integration that is fully aligned with DevOps integrations. It offers an object spy utility to capture objects and examine their properties in detail. Native Katalon plugins integrate with bug tracking/project management tools like JIRA, Git, and Jenkins. API Testing – Unlike the market leader Selenium, Katalon allows you to test API without any additional integrations. With Katalon, testers can automate scripts, perform code inspection, and code snipping and debugging. Katalon guarantees a bigger coverage of test data by supporting all kinds of requests and cloud-sourced data like XLS, XML, and REST, SOPA 1.1/1.2 requests. Mobile Testing – Katalon offers a mobile testing experience that involves mobile Web, IOS, and Android apps, as well as hybrid apps. Tests can be performed locally or remotely with actual devices or simulators. The module also allows testing engineers to detect and store data providing a well-structured process that is easy to track back to on long-term projects. Desktop Testing – Katalon supports apps written on the following platforms: Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Windows Forms (WinForms), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Classic Windows (Win32). Katalon's features for desktops are Spy Windows Objects and Record Windows Action. Katalon TestOps – TestOps is a web-based application that integrates both tests and DevOps frameworks. It offers test planning features, test execution, and project management. It also integrates with CI/CD tools and other testing platforms. TestOps gives a full 360 scan of all testing activities, creating test reports and monitoring for testing quality. Katalon TestOps takes screenshots, videos, and test results and displays them as KPIs on its dashboard. Katalium – Kataluim feature is an open-source framework that offers a blueprint for test automation projects based on TestNG and Selenium. It streamlines building test cases and improves the user experience on Selenium Grid. Katalon Studio Integrations Katalon offers native integrations that makes it easier to work with common QA related tools. Here is a list of Katalon integrations: CI/CD: Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitHub, Gitlab, Circle CI, CodeMagic, etc. ALM: Azure DevOps, Jira, Xray, qTest, TestRail, etc. Cross Browser Testing: BrowserStack, SauceLabs, Selenium Grid, etc. Testing platforms: Selenium, Selenium IDE, Postman, etc. Source code management: Atlassian Bitbucket, AWSCodeCommit, GitHub, etc. Learn more about Katalon integration Katalon vs Selenium Katalon Selenium Used for Used on Mobile, Desktop, Web Applications Web Applications Difficulty Easy to use with a dual interface More Difficult Browser options Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera Chrome, Safari, Firefox Keywords Includes Built in keywords, and offers costume made keywords No built-in keyword options Reporting Provides repots for recordings No reporting Speed and processing Fast Faster than Katalon In Conclusion Katalon is good for both small-scale projects and big projects. It is a perfect choice for both individuals and companies as it offers a constantly evolving ecosystem of useful tools. It also comes with a wide list of native integrations to facilitate implementing all kinds of needed tests, including API testing. Q-Pros relies on Katalon, and we make sure our testing engineers are Katalon experts. This guides our QA specialties to guarantee excellent and accurate results for our clients. ...

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Test Automation and Calculating ROI

Calculating ROI (Return of Investment) is important for business owners. It judges how well an investment has performed and evaluates the efficiency of the overall project. Amongst its many purposes, QA (Quality Assurance) has to do with increasing the ROI for clients. And relying on better means of testing asserts this benefit, including many other financial gains. In this article, we will discuss how test automation is helping business owners increase their ROI levels and our role at Q-pros to increase and satisfy our clients' ROI. Test Automation as a Cost-effective Tool Limiting the dependency on manual means is a top priority for any company looking to save on project budgets. Working with automated tools not only results in more accurate findings but also cuts a substantial amount of cost compared to manual processes. Take for example Regression testing. If you were to consider doing regression testing manually, you would have to bear in mind the large amount of data to be tested each time a change occurred internally. This results in more labor- hence more time and cost - and a higher chance of inaccuracy. With all the benefits that automated testing carries over manual testing, manual testing is far from being completely canceled. The need for hands-on procedures is necessary. Because at the end of the day, applications will eventually be used by humans! and for that reason, testing phases adopt many manual testing methods to verify defects and ensure quality. Calculating Automated Testing ROI As mentioned, not only does automation testing cut time and cost, but it also guarantees better results, improving the overall quality of the product. Manual testing will always carry the risk of missing specific defects and causing the quality to go down or simply requiring more tests and more time. cumulated costs over time - Source: Significant metrics to calculate automated testing ROI include: Measuring the quality of the product (e.g., improving MTTD (Mean Time to Detection) Cost analysis. cutting back on hardware and software costs by unifying the work through singular or lesser channels The speed of test execution. Limiting test duration and manual tests. Software testing is constantly evolving. Automated testing tools are getting better and better at doing their job. This means that calculating ROI could hold more in its criteria than what it does now. How to Calculating ROI (ROI Formula) ROI is the ratio between the net income and the initial investment. The higher the ROI, the better. It means the investment has compared favorably to the costs. ROI is a great metric to evaluate the efficiency of the investment in comparison to other different several investments. To calculate Automated testing ROI, we rely on the following formula: ROI = Savings ÷ Investment Savings: The amount accumulated by replacing manual tests with automated tests. Savings = (time to run one manual test case - time to run one automated test case) * number of tests * number of runs Investment: The costs piped into setting up test automation channels. Investment = time to build framework + (time to code one automated test * number of tests) + maintenance costs (Maintenance costs include the cost it takes to fix failed tests and false positive tests) In Conclusion ROI is a solid identifier for the success of a project. By relying on automated testing, you not only increase the ROI and save on costs, but you also ensure better quality for the product. There is more than one way to recognize the actual benefit of automated testing, one is calculating ROI concerning the actual amount of investment and in comparison, with manual methods. Q-Pros is a leading Quality Assurance and testing service provider, know more about us and check out our list of offers that will help you increase ROI for your projects. Read another blog: What is The Global Star Rating System? ...

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Load testing vs. stress testing

In the software quality assurance field, two terms seem to stick out the most, “load testing and stress testing” - It is on any client’s top priority list to make certain that their application can handle larger levels of usage and maintain all factors of quality. Our methods at Q-Pros guarantee that software applications are set and ready for extreme scenarios for future users. In this article, we will investigate and differentiate the two tests we conduct to eliminate the possibility of such malfunctions as overloading and stress, which cause the application to either stop performing and crash, or to perform slower and force users to uninstall the application altogether. What is Load Testing? A load test will help us understand how an application behaves under expected loads. In other words, it allows us to monitor the overall performance of the application under the basic demands of real users. Load testing is not concerned with overusing the application, but it is all about measuring the performance stats under what is expected of the application. This is done via requesting several demands from the application and then investigating the speed at which it accomplishes its required responses. Load testing helps determine the bottlenecks of applications. Load testing comes in handy in certain periods of the application's usage. For example, your application might have a standard number of users most of the time, but it is not until there is an update or an offer in which will cause the number of users to spike up, take for instance a government portal in which there was a certain event that caused citizens to suddenly request an official paper, or a shopping application on black Friday. Having a good testing foundation firsthand allows you to prepare for all kinds of circumstances, and it will guarantee an increase in ROI (Return of Investment). What is Stress Testing? Stress testing allows us to identify the breaking point of the application. Breaking points are the maximum level of load an application can endure before failure. The benefit of stress testing is not only to inform companies of their application’s limitations but also to make use of such results and scale up the application based on the data gathered from stress testing. For example, knowing the breaking points allows developers to make certain changes in the application's behavior before the breaking point is reached to allow for adjustments and adaptation and avoid extreme results. This in return evaluates the robustness of the application. Stress testing is necessary for developers to know what features break first in case of extreme stress. Knowing that will help them act accordingly to make sure that no permanent crashes occur and to limit the possibility of catastrophic events. What are the differences between Load Testing and Stress Testing? Load Testing is more of an organic approach. It is not concerned with breaking the application as much as it is concerned with finding out if the application has covered its basic requirements of handling the expected levels of load. Load testing is essential for companies because it asserts confidence in the application in case of future challenges. On the other hand, Stress testing is mainly concerned with finding an application's upper limit. Stress Testing helps us determine where the application is most likely to have some sort of failure, and by doing so, it evaluates the robustness of the application. Stress testing also allows developers to enhance the application's behavior by knowing how it will react in case of failure due to maximum usage. Both load testing and stress testing are essential for companies, especially when dealing with bigger service applications that will require more usage and constant maintenance/updates. At Q-Pros, we rely on a team of testing experts using the best testing tools to achieve the best results. If you want to learn more about Load & Stress testing, request service now via our list of offers. ...

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